When it comes time to decide on bathroom flooring, it can be tough to choose between ceramic and porcelain tile.
The ceramic or porcelain tile for bathroom floor questions does not have to be a major challenge, though.
With the help of experienced carpet and flooring contractors, these problems fall by the wayside.
When commercial spaces find themselves in need of large-scale flooring installations, the professionals must always be contacted.
In order to understand the differences between ceramic and porcelain tile for bathroom floors, here are a few key aspects to consider:
Water Absorption
The rate at which they absorb water is the primary difference between ceramic and porcelain tile.
Porcelain tiles absorb less than 0.5% of the water they encounter, while ceramic tiles are far more absorbent.
Porcelain tile is made from clay and is far less porous.
Added Costs
Porcelain is also a bit more costly than ceramic tile. For those who are searching for more cost-effective ways to handle their bathroom flooring, ceramic is typically the go-to choice.
On the other hand, some may opt for porcelain because of the increased durability that these tiles have to offer.
They are especially useful in areas that see a sizable amount of foot traffic.
Ceramic tile may not stand up as well to heavier foot traffic over the long haul.
Long Term Aesthetic Appeal
Porcelain tile is often chosen because of the long-term beauty that it can provide.
While there are additional installation requirements that need to be addressed, the top kitchen and bathroom designers are singing the praises of porcelain from a long-term standpoint.
“Notably, surface finishes, textures, patterns, and variation of color are very stylized and lend to porcelain’s appeal,” says Tanya Woods, a Michigan-based AKBD.
“The tile industry has grown as a result of the introduction of porcelain tile, and it looks as though it’s only going to continue to increase in popularity.”
Climate Considerations
Ceramic tiles offer a natural coolness that is perfect for warmer climates.
Colder regions will typically opt for porcelain tile. The same principle applies to bathrooms in humid climates.
Since these rooms are humid spaces in and of themselves, they are going to be wet on a consistent basis.
This is another reason why ceramic tiles tend to be very popular when it comes time to make the right decision for warmer climates.
Benefits of Using Porcelain Tile
Porcelain tile has made major advances, allowing a business owner to choose from a wide range of options.
Since porcelain can be manufactured to look like any number of other materials, it allows companies to make choices that align with their current stylistic motifs.
Marble and wood grains are easy to mimic with the use of porcelain.
This is especially helpful when the look of wood is desired, without all of wood’s susceptibility to water damage.
The number of colors, patterns, and surface finishes that are available make porcelain an easy choice from an appearance standpoint.
It is also heavier, denser, and less porous. Porcelain tile is also the perfect choice for heat resistance.
It’s easy to clean as well, as damp mopping will take care of all issues.
Best of all, there is no need for any sort of complicated cleaning solution.
A bit of soap and water is all that is needed. Because bathrooms have the greatest level of moisture in a home, it is easy to see why porcelain tiles are chosen in these instances.
The level of resistance that porcelain provides as far as scuffs and scratches are concerned is another major advantage.
Benefits of Using Ceramic Tile
Ceramic tile comes with its own benefits, as it is easy to install and much less costly than porcelain.
However, ceramic tiles do not force the business owner to compromise when it comes to stylistic appeal.
There are patterns and styles to suit any possible look. There are more up-to-date and intricate designs than most are readily aware of.
As long as the ceramic tile has been properly glazed, it is not as susceptible to water damage.
Care and cleaning when it comes to ceramic tiles are fairly straightforward as well, as these tiles can be cleaned with a simple soap and water solution.
It is the perfect tile for the warmer regions of the world and ceramic is able to last for a lifetime if it is properly maintained, which allows businesses to avoid the nuisance of having to replace chipped tiles on a regular basis.
Ceramic tile works well for walls and floors and the number of colors, patterns, and sizes that are available is mind-boggling.
It’s easy to see why businesses are so enamored with ceramic tile because of all the benefits that it has to offer.
What is the Best Option for a Bathroom Floor?
At the end of the day, porcelain is the better choice for a bathroom floor, for a number of different reasons.
The material that is used to make porcelain tiling is much more conducive to a room that utilizes plumbing.
The process of maintaining porcelain tile is a bit easier, too. When businesses choose glazed porcelain tile floors, their durable and dense construction allows them to maintain a maximum level of durability.
The low absorption rate that porcelain has to offer might seem like a drawback in reality?
Nothing could be further from the truth. These low rates make the tiles much less susceptible to humidity and water-related damages.
Porcelain tile is also not very susceptible to scratches and chips, so there is little to no need for costly repairs.
As a natural tile flooring option, porcelain repels water like few other options are available.
They are the perfect choice for areas with heavy foot traffic, as businesses look for the best tiling methods for their bathrooms.
The levels of moisture in these rooms can’t be ignored, either. While ceramic offers no shortage of benefits in its own right, porcelain is the way to go for the bathroom.
Contact us today to get started on your bathroom or kitchen flooring.